Lesson 1, Antigone


“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.” -Sophocles, Antigone

Here is a clear picture of Antigone's  Family tree:

I have read the synopsis of the play "Antigone" by Sophocles. 

Now answer these questions:

What do you think of this story?

I think that Antigone is a fantastic story. The story serves to highlight both political and moral difficulties, for example Creon- he is seen to be the villain of the play, but really he is struggling between his own morality and what is best for him as the new Ruler of Thebes. I love that the protagonist is a woman- a woman who is seen to be strong and, unlike Creon, chooses her morals over what the rules clearly state. Initially, i think that Antigone is a brave, selfless character that would offer her own life just for the sake of doing whats right for her brothers. Unlike Ismene, she does not believe that being a Woman means that she is weak and powerless. In total, i think the story is brilliant and I am excited to see what we do with it as a strand.

Why do you think Sophocles wrote this play?

I think Sophocles wrote this play for various reasons. One of the reasons is that firstly, having a women as a protagonist in Greek Theater was highly uncommon. We know this, because women were not allowed to even perform or watch! Perhaps Sophocles decided to challenge this by having Antigone as a strong protagonist. I also think that he uses the main characters for symbolism; Antigone and Creon represent a number of opposing forces: male vs. female, family ties vs. civic duty, man vs. nature, and man's laws vs. the laws of the gods.

Why do you think the Greek audiences might have wanted to see this play?

Greek audiences would have wanted to see the play as many Greek Tragedy's were about giving the audience a tough choice- what would the audience do if they were in this position? So, for Antigone, the audience would be presented with the choice- would you choose family or law? Greek Tragedy's were (and still are) riveting and gripping for the audiences, so I think that a story as strong as Antigone would be a fantastic watch for Greek audiences, as they may also be able to relate to some of the main themes within the play.

I have read the first scene from Antigone between Ismene and Antigone. 

1.What information does Antigone give to Ismene at the beginning of this scene?

At the beginning of the scene Antigone informs Ismene that she plans to bury their brother, in despite of the law and Creon.

2.What has just happened in the sisters’ family?

After the battle of Thebes, their brother's Polynices and Eteocles have been killed; fighting against each other. Eteocles died defending the city, however Polynices was an invader, so Creon had ordered him to be left to rot. 

3.What does Antigone plan to do? Why?

Antigone plans to bury their brother-a
s a sister, Antigone feels she must offer Polynices burial. She believes that leaving the dead un-buried, for any reason, offends the Gods. 

4.Does Ismene plan to join her? Why or why not?

Ismene does not plan to join her with the burial of their brother, as she wants to abide by the law of Creon. She also believes that as a woman, she is powerless. 

5.What story does the chorus tell us about?

They tell the story of the battle. The Argive army attacked all 7 gates of Thebes at once in the middle of the night. Zeus didn't like their boastfulness, so he struck down the first attacker with lightning. The Theban army then defeated them. 

Lesson 1, Multimedia In Projects


1. What do we mean by the phrase 'multimedia in performance'?

A name given loosely to performance in which different forms, such as speech, song, dance, film or video, are mixed together. Arising in the 1960's out of experiments like happenings and influenced by pop culture, it aspires to a kind of total theatre and often overlaps with terms such as music theatre, performance art and other types of experimental theatre. 

2. Give some examples of different types of media that could be used in a performance. Give examples of how they could be used and the positive and negative of them. 


Video Camera


Music could be used when complicated transitions are happening on stage. It could also be used in a piece of silent/abstract theatre.
Using it when transitions are occurring means that the audience will not lose focus; if the music fits the piece then they will feel more intrigued with what is about to happen. If it is used behind a piece of silent theatre then it can create a fitting atmosphere to the piece- it also allows the audience to interpret the piece with their own freedom. 
If  music is used in a non-silent piece of theatre it could be a possible distraction from what is happening onstage. Furthermore, it could also effect the projection of the actors as they may not be able to be heard if the music is too empowering.


Still images could be projected onto walls behind the performance space.
A positive of doing this is the photographs used could add to the main themes of the play- for example if it were a play about a murder mystery and there was a photo of the murder victim as a backdrop it would be a visual reminder the audience of the main theme and mystery that is ever so constant throughout the play.
This could possibly crowd the stage and make it seem as if too much were going on within the scene rather than having just a plain backdrop which would allow the actors to portray the main themes of the play themselves with their theatre skills rather than having a physical representation do it for them.

Sound Effects

Sound effects could be used to create atmosphere and build tension.
This could be used to make the piece of theatre more realistic- for example if a police siren sound was used it would be more effective than if an actor tried to make the noise themselves.
A negative of doing this could possibly be that it may break the focus and intense aura that has been constructed onstage and just be ineffective. 

Torch lights

Torch lights could be used to be a literal pass of focus onstage.
An advantage of this is that the audience are fully aware of who is holding the focus at different parts throughout the play, for example if many actors are within the space at one time and someone is trying to deliver a line it could be difficult to figure out who is talking and if they are the supposed to be main focus; however the use of torchlight's could allow this to become very clear.
A disadvantage of this is it could become too distracting from the piece and the actors- it could also not fit within the themes of the play. If a lighthearted comedy play suddenly turned the lights down and used torches to illuminate the actors faces in a mysterious- like manner it would be ill fitted and would confuse the audience.

Mobile Phones

Phones could be used in modern or futuristic plays.
Using phones in modern or futuristic plays could be a literal way to show how technology has evolved and how it effects our lives.
If phones are used in plays that are not of the time period or era when phones were originally used, it makes the play unrealistic and the audience will not be able to connect.

3. Try to think of show you have seen at the theatre that has used multimedia. What type of multimedia was used? Did it enhance the performance? How and why?

Last year I went to see a play that was based around The Cold War. Throughout the play it used sound effects, lighting, music and videos projected onto the background to add some more historical context to the play. It enhanced the performance as it allowed the audience to understand the main themes of the play (e.g war) in a more realistic, modern sense. The ending scene was incredible as the stage was filled with bright red lights, and all you could see was a silhouette of the main character. The red lights were used to symbolize an important part of the Cold War, which was extremely clever and effective. The music used was also appropriate, which is something to be aware of when working with multimedia in performance. In total, the piece was incredible and the multimedia enhanced this.

Examples of Multimedia in Performance: