Monday's lesson- Live feed and Garage Band

In today's lesson we were taught how to use Garage band and Live feed which are two elements of multimedia that would be effective if we decided to incorporate them into our scenes.

I think that using garage band would be extremely interesting as we have been showed that there are various different sound effects that can be produced by it, and just by adding sound effects or even music to a performance, it can add to the piece so much and bring it to life in many different ways. Also, the app is designed to record sound, so the quality would also be much better than a sound bite from a phone. My group and I discussed the use of sound effects and music within our scene and in total we agreed that it would be an interesting idea and something we definitely would want to incorporate, whether we used garage band or not. After brainstorming for a while, I suggested a song idea for our scene. The song is called "Cold" By Lucy Schwartz and I thought that it would be an appropriate fit for our scene as it is somewhat spine-chilling and ethereal (the song could be played whilst Antigone is in the cave). 

In the lesson the live feed seemed extremely effective and compelling as an audience member. I liked the idea of having a scene being projected on-screen whilst a live scene was already going on. For Antigone in general, I think the live feed is a fantastic idea and can be used in various different ways to suit the play and its themes, although for my particular theme we did not think that a live feed would be very sufficient. We thought that due to the way our scene played out, it would not have the same effect that it would for other parts of Antigone, so we have decided to use different multimedia instead. 

In the lesson we watched some video's by Katie Mitchell who is a director for the National Theatre. She also uses a lot of live feed a lot in her work- she says this gives the illusion of transforming between real life and a dream- what actors see, and what is reality. Adding to this idea, you could change effects on the camera,for example; the lens used, the filter and the focus all clearly portray what the character is experiencing. I enjoyed watching the interview with the director as I had no previous knowledge on what a live feed was or especially how it could be used within performance. Although my group have decided not to use the live feed within our particular scene, i am excited to see how other group's will incorporate it into their individual scenes and i am also excited to see how i can use this aspect of multimedia in any future performances. 

Katie Mitchell's "Waves". She used a live feed for this play. 

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