Mondays lesson- How to incorporate Multimedia

My group are doing the scene where Creon announces that Antigone will be sent to a cave to die, but Ismene will be spared. After spending some time discussing as a group and brainstorming ideas we have decided to use the guards of Creon to represent the Chorus. We will start by having the guards asking Creon what decision he is going to make- what is he going to do with Antigone and Ismene? We have decided to have Antigone and Ismene tied up by two ropes that are hanging from the poles of the ceiling, to show that they have been captured by both the guards and Creon. 

In terms of multimedia in our scene, we have decided to use a projector in our scene which will project a video onto the back wall of our room. The video will be of Antigone being taken away to the cave to die; the video will feature the guards, Creon, Antigone and Ismene, shown in a very horror-movie-type-of-way . The video will end with a close up of Connors face (who is playing Creon) and he will be repetitively mouthing Antigone's name. I think this ending scene is effective as it is a way to show how Creon is constantly clouding Antigone's thoughts, and how he has some kind of eternal power over her that she is constantly fighting. The use of the video and multimedia within our scene enhances our performance as it gives it a slight twist in genre, making it seem more like a horror/thriller. It also offers the audience some excitement within the scene, rather than having a life performance all throughout the scene. 

Here is a list of the multimedia idea's we brainstormed:

We also decided to make changes to our script. We decided to do this so that it would be able the fit in with our choice of multimedia; we thought it would seem a bit odd to have ancient Greek text whilst modern day technology was being heavily used. We decided to heavily change the script when there is a moment between Antigone and Ismene, so that the scene in total made more sense and had more text to work with (performance wise).

This is the finalised version of script between Antigone and Ismene:


Due to our heavy use of props and set within our scene, we thought it would be best to simply have the audience standing at the back of of the room, whilst we perform in-front of them. We also thought it would be best to use our space like this as it will allow every audience member to have a clear view of the video that will be projected onto the back wall. We thought about doing a traverse style of staging at first as we thought this would perhaps be more interesting as actors to perform with, however we came to a conclusion that it would not work well and would be better to keep it simple. At the end of our scene, Creon barges through the door at the back of the door, walks across the performance space and orders the audience out the other door. This is an easy and quick way to move the audience from room to room without having to come out of character to do so.

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